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Breaking the rules, creating harmony: gender equality

Roberta Zambelli

Gender Officer & Trainer

About me

I am a sociologist, specialising in gender studies, with a Master’s degree in this field from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris.

I am in charge of accompanying multi-actor realities on their journey towards equality, through diagnosis, development of strategic plans and project management tools, training for managers and all staff, monitoring & evaluation of the gender dimension in European projects.

I am part of the  FHink Egale network of expertise, committed to egalitarian innovation, in France and beyond.

You can contact me at:

My work

Diagnosis and strategy

Through quantitative and qualitative diagnostics, I help you develop your Gender Equality Plan (GEP). Using project management tools, I help you make progress measurable and manage the project to accompany change.

Experiential learning

Every training must be a journey of transformation. By adopting the experiential approach, I offer trainings that involve all dimensions of learning: cognitive, socio-emotional, experiential. I do this starting from imaginaries and narratives. Also in e-learning.

Global sustainability

Sustainability has three faces: economy, environment, society. I accompany you governance of social sustainability, thanks to a model in line with the goals of Agenda 2030, and the European Gender Mainstreaming framework from EIGE.

Diagnosis and strategy

Every successful project is the result of good diagnosis and planning. The same rule applies to gender equality: that is why I accompany you with actions tailored to your reality.

To achieve real progress in the field of professional equality, you need solid information to start from, based on quantitative indicators and qualitative data, engage key actors and have a KPI-monitored, tailor-made action plan that respects the company culture and its rhythms.

How does it work?

STEP 1. Diagnosis. Each accompaniment starts with a diagnosis, quantitative and qualitative, of the reality that is committed to change. The areas analysed may be HR processes, governance, corporate culture, pay levels and gaps, policies on promotions, work-life balance. This makes it possible to understand what the specific needs are, in order to imagine tailor-made actions, while maintaining a high common standard.

STEP 2. Elaboration of the action plan. Based on the strengths and weaknesses revealed by the diagnosis, a Gender Equality Plan is drawn up. This ‘map’ makes it possible to establish the steps to be taken and the necessary timetable, according to project management techniques: chronogram, KPIs, monitoring plan.

STEP 3. Accompanying implementation. Even the best project needs monitoring. Thanks to the proposed accompaniment, the responsible persons within your organisation will become autonomous in continuing the work, thanks to the appropriation of tools, key issues and overview.

A successful example? The Ega Pro plan and STEF’s Mix’Up network animation.

Experiential Learning

Every training must be a journey of transformation. By adopting the experiential approach, I offer trainings that involve all dimensions of learning, for a harmonious and holistic accompaniment to change. I do this starting from imaginaries and narratives. Also in e-learning.

Cognitive dimension. I accompany people to better understand the key concepts of equality: equality, balance, fairness, discrimination, harassment, leadership, diversity and inclusion, stereotypes, key figures and perspectives.

Social-emotional dimension. In addition to the rational part, we work on the emotional one starting from imagery and values, developing empathy, responsibility, solidarity, respect for differences; this allows for a harmonious working environment, where diversity is a value and individuals feel respected.

Behavioural dimension. This dimension involves action, analysis of behaviour, organisational and individual practices, allowing potentially toxic situations to be corrected. This is particularly important to prevent harassment and other harmful behaviour.

Modalities: training takes place through workshops and laboratories in presence or online, either synchronously or through the development of e-learning courses. Certain key figures, such as managers and the HR function, can be accompanied by specific courses.

An example? A company, in order to be certified for gender equality, needed to train its entire corporate population. Solution: I developed synchronous online trainings for the management committee and outreach managers and a one-hour e-learning module for the rest of the company population.

Global Sustainability

I accompany you in the governance of social sustainability, thanks to a model in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and the European Gender Mainstreaming guidelines from EIGE.

The international reference is a guarantee for an integrated development of ESG policies in your own reality. Thanks to my work in international cooperation, I understand the needs of multinational corporations to develop programmes with an intercultural and international outlook, without losing sight of strategic economic and environmental objectives.

Companies are key players in local development and are increasingly called upon to be accountable for their impact on populations and territories.

A European and international outlook. I am working as an external expert for the European project REBUILD, a local development project with ten Libyan municipalities, to ensure that gender mainstreaming tools are integrated in the educational context. Together with women from the municipalities involved, I am building a network for women’s empowerment and the promotion of women in leadership roles in the public sector.

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